Learning As I Go

I am pretty new to all this “putting things out there in world” type stuff, so I am learning as I go. Bear with me when I appear to go completely off the reservation and nothing I am doing seems to make any sort of sense. That is just how my brain works. I have a million ideas, questions, suggestions, and observations going through my head all at once and sometimes I veer off course a bit. An ADHD diagnosis was discovered as part of this journey of self-awareness and I am now trying to work WITH my brain instead of always fighting against its natural tendencies. The approach sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t, and trust me when I tell you – you will know when it doesn’t.

That said, I will try to use Categories as often as I can, so you can at least follow my cranial meanderings in a more linear fashion. Part of me is interested to see just how many tangents I actually go on and how invested in each of these tangents I get. But another part of me is terrified to get that much of a detailed look into how my brain works. And am equally horrified that you guys are going to see it too! I am still in that place where I think I am very different from most people and that you will all think I am, in fact crazy, once you start getting glimpses of the me no-one really gets to see.

I do have a game plan in mind as to what I think the best way is to present this journey, but I do reserve the right to change that game plan at any moment with no advance notice. Ready? Okay, let’s do this. But don’t say you haven’t been warned…

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